Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Butane Esacapade
One of my Christmas presents this year was a blowtorch. The only thing was that it was not supplied with any gas - which is apparently available from many cook shops and hardware stores. So off we went on a cycle trip around town in search of this gas. The first place we went to was Wilkinson and they did supply cans of butane but the canisters came with screw on nozzels, not of the same size fitting as my new blow torch. So the nice people at customer services suggested that we try the Range. We were out of luck there, and tried Sainsburys down the road - and again, no joy there. So it was off to B&Q where they did have something along the lines but we were not sure of the fittings. So we cycled back home (7 mile round trip) and took the blow torch with us to Focus where again they did supply the gas, but the cannisters had no nozzels. So we took the torch round to Tim's parents and his dad suggested we use lighter fluid which we could get from the tobbaconist. However, yesterday was a bank holiday and most of the shops shut early, but Tesco was open and that was where I finally got the gas for the torch. Now if the box has said lighter fluid, things would be easier - doh! But I finally got to make creme brulée and it tasted rather nice.